
This is going to be a slightly different format then previous devlogs, and since this is mostly a journal for me at this point I will likely not include any photos. I also went back and retroactively removed alot of my art assets from my previous devlogs because I am realizing its not a great idea to leave all of my hand drawn assets with no water marks available for download.

What got done:

  • Fixed a ton of edge cases on player animations. The animation states had way to many goofy interactions on random surfaces and transitions. The big win was fixing the tap jump bugs, and grapple sprite swap inversions.
  • Added VFX for jump, grapple, sliding on the ground, sliding on ramps, and....explosions.
  • Added an afterimage logic when moving at above a certain speed to increase the feeling of moving fast.
  • Removed resolution options from main menu because I cannot for the life of me get my art assets on the menu to not scale in terrible ways when changing the resolution in that menu. Resolution options still exist in the pause menu in game.
  • Resolutions are now displayed based on your monitors available resolutions and refresh rates. (Probably wasted time here, but nice for the fest people who might have strange monitors)
  • Fixed an animation bug when jumping into mushrooms or certain sloped trees
  • Fixed mouse cursor visibility on launch so you now always have "Peter" on the screen instead of default mouse cursor when launching
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to grapple to objects behind "Non-Grappleable objects"
  • Implemented a Dialogue system for the handful of NPC's that will be scattered throughout the level
  • Created "voice acting" audio sources for Peter,Pudding, Harry, and Lenny.
  • Created an "Opening Cutscene" where the player is introduced to the 3 main characters and gives some semblance of a purpose to your journey (very minimal story)
  • Created art assets for all of the dialogue UI and all the current NPCs
  • Created Minecart sequence in an attempt to have more "trailer moments" (This was a massive time sink and I regret it)
  • Started forming an LLC so I can start working on my steam page and other marking assets

My big push for this build was creating more polish and "trailer moments". I realized that 99% of my game is a frog spining in a circle around a platform and that wouldnt translate terribly well into an interesting and engaging trailer. I thought it would be fun to do a brief minecart section in the cave biome, and really thought I could get that done in a few days at most. This turned into a nearly 10 day task with more issues then I could have imagined. I think it turned out okay but im not sure it was worth the time sink. I am pretty happy however with how the dialogue system and NPC stuff turned out. I imagine I need 2-3 more unique interaction spaces to spice up the game for the trailer but I need to be wary of departing too far from the core mechanic of the game. All in all this update took WAAAAAAY to long, and I need to stream line my next couple of weeks to get back on track. Luckily most of the systems are now in place and it will mostly be level design, polish, and testing until release with the exception of whatever my new interactions are.

If you read all this thank you for supporting Pudding Frog, you are the best!


PuddingFrog(.75).zip 62 MB
Dec 09, 2024

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